Oh the joy that will fill your heart the day before your precious child is to be born! You will remember this day for many years to come for sure. After months of preparation and anticipation your darling baby is going to be here at last! Tomorrow you get the chance to hold this beloved child that you were dreaming about for months! Indeed you will be worried and excited at the same time while waiting for the birth of your child. But take time to do the things that are detailed in the article below if you can and make the experience a little more enchanting.
Get some rest!
You will not be able to rest for many long months and years once the precious baby is born! So rest today as much as you can! It will do your body and mind good too. Don’t plan many activities on the day if you can help it. Get help from all those who are offering help too. You will have to start preparing to go to the hospital that day too. Most pregnant women pack their hospital bags well in advance so you will only have to put the bag in the car today! Just order something that you like to eat and enjoy a little celebratory dinner at home with your family if you are in the mood for it. If you can help it, don’t go through the hassle of cooking that day! You deserve some rest after all the hard work you did for nine long months after all!
Light a candle
You can opt to light a little candle at home all day to honor the arrival of your precious one. Try to get a big fragrant one if you can which you will be able to keep burning all day. Make sure you keep the candle in a safe place, especially if you have toddlers or young children!
Get a photography session booked
The moment of birth and every moment thereafter are truly priceless! You need to capture the magic of the moment of birth for sure. Try to get the help of professionals specializing in birth photography at Perth to get beautiful captures. You will certainly be cherishing these precious shots throughout your life. Nothing beats photos of your babies taken on the day that they were born after all! You will have to spend a lot of money to get the help of experts for sure. But do book a session with a professional photographer and you will not regret it. Your parents and your spouse’s parents may also be there with you on the day. They will also love to take photos with the latest arrival for sure.
So do take some time to enjoy a few sessions of family photography on the day. Yes you will barely feel like moving right after you give birth so you may not be able to pose for many photos. But let the other members of the family enjoy some classic shots.
Follow the orders of the doctor
Diligently follow the orders of the doctor and make sure you remain safe on the day before the birth. If you are asked to follow a particular diet do so. You may be required to spend the night before the arrival of the baby at the hospital. Go there early and support the nurses and hospital staff to conduct all the tests that are necessary.Enjoy this day as much as you can as you will surely remember it for the rest of your life!